Prophecy for 2016 − TRANSITION YEAR


(Transcribed from sermon delivered on 10 January 2016 morning)

We have been having different prophecies.  Last year we had the prophecy about the three miracles that were to happen last year.  And I mentioned that it did not happen because we were not fully obedient to receive some of the presence and the glory of the Lord.  We were supposed to have spent a day in Pergamos on 20 September 2015 and wait upon the Lord, and the Lord wanted to bring forth a transfiguration and that did not take place.  Because that did not take place, the three signs and wonders have been postponed, not cancelled, but postponed and we are looking forward to them this year.  And it is also linked to the two queens.  Remember, there’s a prophecy about the two queens in Europe and the two queens were supposed also to go home by the end of last year.  It is also tied to the transfiguration.

This year there will be a new level of presence and power that will be released.  But let me bring forth the visitation that the Lord has.  This one was received − an account by Aruel.  Then afterwards, I’ll give some of the things that I have received on this year.  This was the download that was received on 28 December, as the year was coming to an end. 

Remember that every word of prophecy needs to be called to account, so the Lord never misses.  When the Lord says something, it must come to pass.  If it does not come to pass, we must diligently seek the answer to “why”.  We need the answer.  And that’s why as the year came to an end, we were seeking and praying, “Lord, why?  Is it because we have failed?” 

Remember that in the Bible, sometimes different things happened.  When Jonah prophesied that in 40 days Nineveh will be thrown down, at the end of 40 days it was not thrown down and he was disappointed because his prophesy didn’t come to pass.  But the Lord showed in the book of Jonah that it was because of His compassion.  And because the people repented, so the Lord extended time for them.  That was a different case.

Then in the book of Daniel, when the 70 years were up, Daniel was concerned, he was already keeping tab on the prophecy of Jeremiah about the 70 years.  When the 70 years were up and it was not coming to pass, he was very concerned.  And look at his prayer in the book of Daniel.  He never blamed God.  He said, “Lord, it’s our fault if it never came to pass.”  At least he had an answer.

So what we are telling you is nothing new in the Bible.  In the Bible, Daniel was praying and saying, “Lord, why is this not coming to pass?  It’s our fault.  Forgive us, Lord.”  So in the same way, when the prophetic word (because we treat the spoken word with the same reverence as we treat the written word), when the spoken word did not come to pass, we need to repent, we need to seek the Lord.  And the Lord gave an answer. 

This is His answer: This morning, (Aruel said) I was worshipping and I got on my knees, lifting up holy hands to the Lord, and just praying for the spirit of wisdom and revelation to be able to do what I need to do.  (And then he received the blessings of wisdom; then he said) I worshipped some more and I asked for great mercy.  And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Come, Aruel.”  The Lord said this a few times.  And then I was taken to the new heavens and the new earth where I had been taken many times to this bench in front of a small river.  Behind the river is a beautiful tree that the Lord has shown me and then behind the tree is a field filled with beautiful fruit trees.  I saw Jesus and the Father and they were sitting next to me, the Father on my right and Jesus on my left.  Then Jesus began to speak to me.  He said, “Aruel, I want to talk to you about the two queens.”  I said, “Thank You, Lord.  I have been praying a lot about them and I am so concerned that I had brought reproach on this move.  Please forgive me and have mercy on me.”  Jesus said, “Aruel, all the timelines for this year (this is 28 December, which was 2015, all the timelines for this year, 2015) of the things that were supposed to come early have been delayed.  The queens’ deaths would be delayed.  The judgment on my house of those who were supposed to die has been delayed because you and Pastor Johann did not obey My word.”

Wow, thank You, Lord.  And thank you for all of you looking on who look so holy and righteous. 

“All these were contingent on your obedience to all things I have spoken, but especially because they were tied to the transfiguration.  (And that was supposed to happen on 20 September 2015.  All these things, the Lord said, were tied to the transfiguration.  Jesus continued and said)  Do not worry.  All the things that have been shown to you will happen.”

Now, the things shown are the three miracles that are to happen in Singapore − growing of the new leg, the blind man, and the heart condition thing.  And the pacemaker will disappear and the scars will also disappear. 

(The Lord said) “All the things that have been shown to you will happen.  It is just the timeline has been delayed.  The timeline, because of your disobedience, was returned back to a modification of the original timeline and now things have been given more time.  However, the timeline has changed.  It is not as long as it was.”

So don’t assume that it’s going to change, wah, it’s going to be many years’ time.  I believe it is very short and everything that was spoken last year now belongs to 2016.  I repeat − everything that was last year’s, is of 2016.

And this time we have learned some lessons.  We have learned some lessons about the creative miracles.  Remember the last Thanksgiving service we had?  Brother Leong was here and he is the man with the pacemaker.  And then we ended the service.  Then after the whole service ended, the Lord indicated that if we had extended the service for some time, we would have seen that miracle. 

Wah, so for this year, we change all the Miracle services to Friday, so that in case we need to stay back, no one has an excuse.  If it eats into the Friday all-night prayer, so be it.  If the miracle service lasts until Saturday 6.00 am, so be it.  If it lasts until Saturday 6.00 pm, so be it.  If it lasts from Friday we pray until we look around, wah, it’s now Sunday morning, let’s start the service, so be it.  But our attitude has changed.  We are now prepared to stay through, to see it through in worship and praise. 

So there are some changes that we have made.  And we learn from our mistakes.  You know, it’s human to make mistakes.  But it‘s important to learn from the mistakes.  If we didn’t learn, then something is wrong.  So that’s what we have learned about waiting on the Lord, giving Him more time, and giving Him more worship.  And when the Lord says something and He wants to do it, we need to let Him do whatever He wants and learn to wait on Him − a tarrying meeting, I call that.  So we will improve on that.  And we have been looking forward to the three miracles this year.

Now, here’s something that the Lord says about the two queens.  Now, everything is tied to the transfiguration and the transfiguration is taking place this year.  I cannot let you know when, because otherwise the rest of you will come, all just taking photos and pictures.  We don’t want a Japanese tourism thing taking place.  No, it will be everyone just spending time with the Lord and praying at the Lord’s own choosing.  We just worship the Lord.  So the Lord says now things have been given more time.

“However, the timeline has changed.  It is not as long as it was.  It is shortened.  But the timeline is dependent now on the transfiguration and the level of My presence and power manifest.  But be assured (this is the Lord saying, be assured), all will happen as shown.”  As shown − everything will still happen.  But when it will happen, depends. 

(Jesus then said) “Aruel, the things that were supposed to happen needed a certain level of My presence and power to be released.  The transfiguration was key for this.  (And then Jesus explained) In the book of Acts, you see Herod getting struck down.”  There is no quotation here but it’s found in Acts 12.  Remember how Herod was getting all the adoration and false worship and the people said, “Oh, this is the word of God and not of man.”?  Acts 12 says the angel struck him down and he died.  That is the New Testament, not Old Testament, in Acts 12.  So this was what Jesus was referring to.

“In the book of Acts, you see Herod getting struck down.  How this authority was dealt with is different.  Why did Herod get struck down for receiving worship, but Caesar (the Roman Caesar in Rome) who received worship at the same time did not get struck down at the same time?  (And Jesus answered Himself, His rhetorical question.)  It was because of the level of My presence and power on the region was at such a level that the authority Herod who was directly over that region was judged.”  Because of that, because of His presence and power.     

Now, I pause there.  Herod was over the area of Judea and over this area.  And in Jerusalem, Judea and all those regions, the Holy Spirit was manifesting greater and greater in power.  Herod’s death occurred in Acts 12.  In Acts 5, the power of God was so great that the shadow of Peter was healing people. 

And the Lord says shadow healing will repeat too.  We will have times in this move when the shadows will also heal.  Everything in the Bible will be repeated.

Then in Acts 5, you also see people in the church get struck down.  Ananias and Sapphira died within hours and that is in Acts 5.  Then in Acts 6 was the growth of the church and the appointment of seven deacons.  Then the church continued on in great power.  Within Acts 12 itself, the first part of Acts 12 shows that angels were manifesting, because after James the Apostle was killed (in Acts 12), they also arrested Peter (in the same story of Acts 12).  When they arrested Peter and locked him in prison, the angel supernaturally broke all the prison doors and brought Peter out.  It was a supernatural event affecting natural event, so you can see the glory of God and presence were very strong.  And Herod was the same one who commanded Peter to be arrested.  So remember, he had done a lot of things that were going against God.  And then the time came when he was having his normal worldly ceremony and he gave an oratory and people were saying that, trying to say that he was God and he was struck down.  We remember the context.

So Jesus was talking about how the presence of God in that region affected the rulers around.  So if the rulers didn’t live right with God, they also got killed and judged.  It‘s very important to have the presence and power.  So that’s what He was talking about.  Whereas the same presence was not in Rome.  But if the same presence in Rome had risen up, and a great presence, it might have affected even the Roman Caesar. 

So the presence and power of God in the region can affect the natural rulers of the land.  And the transfiguration was supposed to take place in Turkey which more or less is like the bridge between Middle East and Europe, and of course it claims, it wants to be part of Europe.  And it would have affected if it had taken place there, the European sector that is there.  So that’s what Jesus was talking about.

And it says here that Herod was directly over that region was judged because of that.  “My presence and My power was not at the same level where Caesar was and he was not dealt with in the same way.  This is important because in order to release the judgments I wanted to happen (Jesus said I wanted to happen) and for those authorities to go home (so that they don’t block what God is doing), it needed the transfiguration presence to be released.” 

So up to this point, I have explained about the three miracles and about the two queens.  And it has been postponed, not till the next year, now is 2016, but to this year.  And things are going to happen very fast this year.  It’s going to be compressed and shortened.  As the Lord said.  It’s delayed but not that long.  It is shortened, plus other things that are going to happen this year will also happen, on top of that.

Then after the Lord had spoken and answered our questions, the Lord added some more things.  The Lord says this is His warning to everyone: “Aruel, I also want to give a warning to those naysayers…”  That means those who are going to criticise the move because of this delay, those who are going to go against the move because of this delay, those who are going to go into unbelief because of the postponement − that’s what the Lord is saying.  He gave an actual warning: “Aruel, I also want to give a warning to those naysayers who would speak against this move, Pastor Johann and you for the delay.”  So if you persecute and speak against us because of this delay, this is the Lord’s warning for you.  “Remember, I have given you this word…”  And the word was delivered with a “Thus says the Lord”.  “… I have given you this word before year end.”

So everything from a prophetic sense is valid, because the Lord is saying this is “Thus says the Lord”.  And so He says don’t play around with His word even when it’s delayed.  He says, however, here is the warning: “To those who speak against you and this move, remind them that a servant before his own master stands and falls.”  In other words, when we deliver the word of the Lord, we are servants of the Lord.  If we fail in the delivery or we through our disobedience cause something to be delayed, we have to answer to our Master Lord Jesus.  That‘s what the Lord Jesus says.  We have to answer to that which we did.  “… remind them that a servant before his own master stands and falls.  I have dealt with Pastor Johann and you (yes, He did) and shown you great mercy.  But those who speak against you for what happened and the delay will be judged.  All the naysayers who say, see, it didn’t happen and speak against the leadership and this move will be judged.  And when the delay has come to an end, they will be judged and struck down with all those whose time has come to an end.”  That’s the Lord’s word. 

And so we appeal to all: Keep an open heart to the Lord.  Always be like Gamaliel.  If you don’t understand this, say, “Even if we cannot be for it, let’s not be against it.” − Gamaliel’s stand.  Of course, it would be better to be open and watching.

And this part is mine, not the Lord’s word.  I want to add this.  As I spoke to some of those in Sydney, I said, “Look, are there any people on the planet now, any church, big or small, are there any people on the earth with enough faith to pray for growing of new arms and new legs?  Are there any prayer groups out there praying for this kind of miracles?”  If your answer is no, not that you know of, perhaps there may be  some individuals, then I say, “We are doing things that no other church or ministry is doing.  Give some grace.” 

Not only do we have a desire, a lot of people all over the world desire to see signs and wonders, and the works of Jesus.  We don’t just have a desire, you know what we have?  We have a mandate.  We are told by the Lord specifically what miracles will take place.  That’s not a desire anymore, do you realise that?  To which group on the planet earth, big or small, mega-church or mini-church, has the Lord ever said, “In one of your meetings, I am going to grow a new arm and a new leg” − as a “Thus says the Lord”?  If you don’t know anybody else and we are the only ones venturing into this area, shouldn’t you be praying and helping us?  Can you see the reasoning?  I’m trying to reason with your hearts, and not just all of you (all of you here are supportive), online where people are listening to the messages.  Shouldn’t you be helping us?  Because there are no other groups brave enough to tackle this. 

We ourselves are not that brave.  We are only brave because of the Lord’s grace.  And you know why we are brave?  Because we believe we have heard from the Lord.  We have seen some signs and wonders.  And we have what we call a mandate and a word from the Lord. 

And I believe, you know, in some of the downloads that we have on USA, I can’t read all because I want to give the prophecy for 2016, but I’ll give more of these details on the last week of January when we pray in the 3-day prayer, especially before we go to US.  In some of the downloads, and of course, not all of this is going to happen this year.  But as I perceive in my spirit, not a “Thus says the Lord”, but as I perceive in my spirit. 

Over the next 2 / 3 years in the US, as we launch, among some of those things, of visions of meetings near the mall in Washington DC, there were hundreds of thousands of people.  Then in another vision, subsequent vision, there were millions of people gathered.  During some of the meetings, there were the signs of Moses demonstrated − a rod turned into a snake, water turned into blood, and a sign of leprosy on the hand − with doctors and scientists verifying it on the spot, because we always work with doctors and scientists in this type of miracles.  Every miracle − we must put under the microscope, if it is a sign, and it is.  And among those things was this part that I pointed to, a man came (who was a dwarf), and here Aruel says he saw me: “I saw a man who was a dwarf and you (that is, Pastor Johann) asked him questions.  I then knew everyone has been tested beforehand and there were doctors who were there, who verified the sickness condition.  It was a dwarf.  Then you said something like In the name of Jesus, and it was all on cameras and millions of people, the dwarf grew up suddenly.”  In the history of mankind, there is no dwarf who can grow to normal.  This is one of the visions.  And this comes with a “Thus says the Lord”.  The Lord didn’t give a timeline.  Then there were others.  There was also a healing of a red-headed girl with Down Syndrome.  Instantly as she was prayed for, her face changed to a normal face.  You know, Down Syndrome has a certain disfigurement on the face that is obvious.  Then there was another person who had an accident and his arm and leg were cut off − the arm grew, the leg grew.  And then there were also a lot of transportation.  There was a vision where we held four meetings in four different cities simultaneously.  And as I finished one meeting, I walked down the staircase, poomp, I was in the other one, and after I’d finished, poomp, I was taken to another one − transportation. 

There is no other group with a “Thus says the Lord” this is going to happen.  We are privileged, that it is not just something we desire, something that people dream of.  You know what we have, we have a “Thus says the Lord”.  So any Christian out there, I would appeal to you: A servant is answerable to his own master.  But I want you to know the servants that you are looking at are entering territory when no man has gone before, when no Christian has gone before, when no church has gone before, when no ministry has gone before.  Join us.  Pray for us so that we will not miss God.  Because when those things take place, you know who will benefit?  Our Lord Jesus Christ and Christianity as a whole.  And every church and ministry that loves the Lord will be blessed.  We are doing it not for ourselves.  We are doing it to expand into borders and territories that no Christian or ministry has dare tread on before.  We did say we work with angels closer than any other group.  And the angels have loved to do things, not because of our abilities, but because He has shown us this grace.

So in that sense, the Lord says: Remind them that a servant before his own master stands and falls.  And that God says: Those who speak against the move because of the delay, they will be judged and struck down with all those who are going to be struck down anyway last year. 

(And then He added this, and this one is part of my prophecy too.) “… along with the dogs and wolves, and those of My house under judgment.  And there will be a great cry as in the time of Herod when Herod killed all the children, who tried to kill Me (says the Lord).  There will be weeping like Rachel weeping for her children and not comforted, so it shall be when this judgment comes to My house and the earth and the delay of judgment is over, there will be great weeping.”

(Then the Lord added these words, Aruel said) I was gripped with the reality that the Lord Jesus spoke to me.  And then the Father spoke, “Aruel, do not be afraid, you have been shown great mercies and kindness and Pastor Johann before you.  I have used your failures as a testing.  There are many waiting on the sideline, waiting to see before they believe and embrace this move.  Some have failed and fallen away and been replaced.  But this is another warning and mercy: I have allowed for those who are waiting to believe based on what they see or don’t see, instead of based on what the Holy Spirit is witnessing to them in their hearts.” 

Now this second part, the Lord is trying to speak to those who are waiting only for miracles before they enter the move.  And the Lord is saying, right now even without miracles, you can ask your own heart, the Holy Spirit in your heart: Is this move real or not?  Hear what your heart is saying.  Is what these servants of God speaking, true?  Is it in line with the Bible?  Is it what God is doing and saying?  And then check in your heart what the reply is.  Because if your heart replies and says this is of the Lord, you know what the Lord says?  That’s enough.  He says, instead of believing based on what you see or don’t see, you believe based on what the Spirit tells you in your heart. 

(Here the Father said) “They must not wait to believe.  They must believe based on the witness of My Spirit.  (The Holy Spirit is bearing witness in your heart.)  Now because I have shown you great mercies, (thank You, Father) I am giving the voice that cries at midnight great amplification that will resound throughout the earth.  It will come quickly and there will be a great shaking, not like the one in the time of the tsunami, but the amplification of the voice that cries at midnight will cause a great shaking and it will shake the people of the earth to the core.  Aruel, Pastor Johann has been given revelation on this and what it means.”  As the Father said this, holy fear went through me and I said, “Yes, Father.” 

So that’s the download that the Lord has and we have explained on the three signs and the two queens.  The prophecy will still be online, but I will update with this latest prophecy, so that they can see all the updates and explain the previous one and the next one.

I want to thank those who have done that, I think Colin sent me an email showing the prophecies − this has taken place, this has taken place, and everything.  So it did show some things have already taken place.

Now, as you ook forward to the year 2016, more things will happen.  The first thing, as you’ve already heard from this word from the Lord, is that everything that has been prophesied last year is supposed to happen, which means the three miracles and the taking home of the two queens is now also this year.  So watch and see, it’s also this year. 

But again same condition: it is based on me and Aruel pressing into the Lord and receiving the manifestation of the transfiguration, which is why this week, no meetings.  Let me seek the Lord.  I would love to ask for 40 days’ leave but I cannot, so I’ll start the Bible study next week but I’ll be preaching this coming Sunday.  And we want to wait on the Lord.  And really make sure that we can plan everything the way the Lord wants and receive everything the way the Lord wants.  We ourselves need to receive a higher measure, a higher measure of presence and power, and so we are going to seek the Lord on that.  And that’s what we are doing.  So this fast is good, it’s happening in the middle of our 40-day fast.  But here are some of things that the Lord also is showing that will happen this year and I’m going to bring it together with some scriptures. 

And remember, at all times, the most important thing is love, grace and mercy.  Let none of us be judgmental over anyone.  Remember, even those who oppose the move, show love, kindness and mercy because they might not know what they do.  Only the Lord knows the heart.  It’s not for us to judge.

Firstly, Isaiah 6.  I’m going to read the scriptures, then talk about the prophecies that will happen.  And you would know the quality and the nature of the prophecies we give forth.  We will always give scriptural verses, then we will give you extra-Biblical revelation that is in line with it.  Then we will also tell you what we hear from the Lord.  It says in verses 1-3: “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple.  Above it stood seraphim; each one had six wings: with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.  And one cried to another and said: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!’”

Number 1:  There will be many Uzziahs who are taken away by the Lord this year.  Some of those I‘ve already spoken of last year; this year, there will be many.  If you read the story of Uzziah, he was generally a good king − a good king who was not perfect, a good king who stepped into areas he should not.  And then he died.  He was a king, he tried to be a priest and he died.  And it was also because of pride.  The first judgment that God will bring forth in 2016 is a judgment on all pride.  Whether the pride be in the body of Christ, or the pride be in the secular world, the Lord says, it is time.

You know the verses in James 4:6 and 1 Peter 5:5.  God resists the proud, correct?  But He gives grace to the humble.  Sometimes we don’t see him resisting, the proud seems to be going on and on and on and on and on.  But even Nebuchadnezzar, the leader of what we call the golden empire, was judged in the fullness of time.  And what is happening is God is accelerating all things and this year it’s a call to humble ourselves in fasting and prayer.

2014 was the Year of Judgment − Part 1.  2015 was the Year of Judgment − Part 2.  Now part of the judgment of 2015 drops into 2016.  So I was asked by one of the twelve: “Is 2016 also a Year of Judgment?”  I said, “Only on those things which were carried forward, but generally 2016 is not the Year of Judgment.  It is the Year of Transition − it is the year when we enter into something deep.”  That’s why all your preparations should have been finished last year.  This year, we step across the Red Sea.  (And this year we are actually going to the Red Sea, hallelujah, except I’m not sure about Eddy going there with the rod and parting the Red Sea.  You are training yourself, right, for the next 9 months?  Or the priests stepping into the River Jordan and the River Jordan parted.) 

But symbolically, this year is the Year of Transition.  All that you have believed for, all that you have dreamed, all that you have visualised − this year the Lord opens the door for you to walk in.  Which is why the verse read by Deborah was good − Be strong and of good courage.  And go forth into that which the Lord has for you.  And this year, February, by the end of this 40-day fast, we have gone forth to the United States.  And United States only has six years and in six years, because of signs and wonders, not only all of USA, but the whole world will hear the voice that cries at midnight.  All will take place in the six years as we launch forth. 

This year is the Year of Transition.  Don’t just focus on Uzziahs dying, two queens dying, three kings dying, two Jack of trades dying here − don’t focus on that area.  Yes, people will be going home.  And there will be people going home that you never expected because this is the Year of Transition.  Not everyone who goes home goes home because of sin or something wrong in their lives, so don’t be judgmental.  Don’t say, “Huh, I knew he should die, that one should die.”  And don’t start predicting because of this, you know, which mega-pastor must drop dead and die and all that.  Please don’t!  You are looking at the wrong thing.  You look like that, you yourself something wrong.  You know, you might be actually in the midst of saying somebody will die, your hand goes [Illustration], and then you yourself die.  So don’t!

Focus on this other part: Transition.  It was time for Isaiah to rise up − “In the year…”  Remember, in the year, not the same day, not the same month, but in the year of many being removed from this earth, both of rulers of the earth and of men and women of God in the ministry, and of many Christians.  Your heart and mind are saying, “How many?  Pastor, can count?”  So many until you can see there is no coincidence.  You will be awakened to the fact that something is happening here.

When you say, “Wah, this man on earth just died…”  Then remember Job.  Job when the disasters came, and one of his servants ran, I don’t know why, all the servants died except left one to give the bad news.  It’s almost like the devil wanted him to hear the bad news.  They killed everyone except… then the devil told his other little devils, “Let that one go to give Job the bad news.”  So he ran, with half-torn shirt or half-naked, and he ran, and said, “I’ve got to tell you this: All the sheep are gone, all the camels are gone, all the children are gone.”  One after the other, no coincidence.  Remember Job, this year is like that.  So while he was still relating, “Huh, this person died ah!”  Then you turn around, “Huh, this person died ah!”  Turn around, “Huh, this person died ah!”  Hold your horses. 

Behind all these people going home, a great thing is happening.  The Isaiahs are rising up.  Do you know why people have to go home?  Because until they go, the new ones cannot rise.  And God is taking them home to allow the transition to take place this year. 

The new figureheads, remember the European prophecies?  The young man in Germany (by young, I could call him 50 years old) and the young man in UK, who will lead Europe, and then the young man in France who will join them − God has to make space for these to rise.  Also, in the church and in the ministries of God, because some of these established ministers are so influential, God says “enough” and He removes all.  Then people say, “Huh, where do we look to now?”  And everyone is shaken.  They have to look to the Lord.  And then they realise in their very midst are people who love God. 

The new generation will rise up, which includes of course some of the first generation who have been on the sidelines waiting.  And of course the second generation who have been waiting on the sidelines to rise up.  For the Isaiahs.  The Uzziahs die, so the Isaiahs come.  The “U” goes out, the “I” comes in.  And the Isaiahs rise up in order for God to do a new work.  Technically, even though Isaiah was a prophet already, he didn’t have the voice that God wanted him to have because Uzziah was very influential.  Until Uzziah died, in the same year, all these rise.

So this year, the good news is the rise of really, really Godly people, beginning to find their place where God wants them.  And these are the Joshuas who have been waiting on the sidelines under the shadow of Moses and it’s time for them to cross the Jordan, launch into something that they have never had before.  In a sense, this is like a new beginning.

Point 2: (You can ask questions in the second service.)  In the book of Daniel, as Daniel was fasting and praying, Gabriel appeared to him.  Daniel 10:12-13 (Daniel has been fasting for 21 days): “Then he said to me, ‘Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words.  But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia.” 

Now, notice all these archangels are working with all the natural kingdoms?  Gabriel said he was with the kings of Persia even before he came to Daniel.  And on his journey to Daniel, there was this opposing fallen angel that came against them.

Then he said…  Usually we read the contents of what he is saying, but the contents are basically about the 70 years, so most of you know that by now, but the sidelines, the messages in-between, inference of what was happening in the background, Daniel 10:20-21 − “Then he said, ‘Do you know why I have come to you?  (He asked Daniel) And now (You see, what happened to Gabriel after he delivered the message?  That is what we are interested in − now.  He was with the prince of Persia and he said ‘Do you know why I have come to you?’  And now) I must return to fight with the prince of Persia; and when I have gone forth, indeed the prince of Greece will come.  But I will tell you what is noted in the Scripture of Truth.  (No one upholds me against these, except Michael your prince.” 

In Daniel 11:1 − “Also in the first year of Darius the Mede, I, (says Gabriel) even I, stood up to confirm and strengthen him.)”  They control how many kings in each kingdom can rise and fall.  It says here (verse 2) − “And now I will tell you the truth: Behold, three more kings will arise in Persia, and the fourth shall be far richer than them all; (they even know which king will be the richest) by his strength, through his riches, he shall stir up all against the realm of Greece.”

Now, why are we reading this?  This was a historical epic battle going on in the political times of Daniel which nobody saw, only Daniel knew all these things.  The world just saw things happening in the human level and they thought it was only human.  No, if Gabriel didn’t strengthen Darius the Mede, you think Darius the Mede could come up?  No, if Gabriel didn’t push back the prince of Persia, you think the Medes could come up when the Persians were so strong?  You see, they are controlling, the devil is not in charge, God is in charge.  And God allows what He allows and disallows what He doesn’t allow, which comes to prophecy No. 2.

It is the destiny of China and Russia to be the greatest power − Russia first, and China second, during the decades to come.  And they will reach the height of their power after the tsunami which will happen in 2029.  From 2029 to 2034, these will be the two greatest powers allowed by God, allowed by God, to rise because no one can rise without God.  Read Daniel 2 − it is God who removes kings and sets up kings.  He is the One who allows or disallows.  And by 2034, both these nations are so strong, they fight a war, and Russia will win and China will sue for peace.  Then they continue to co-exist as No. 1 and No. 2. 

But now we are in 2016.  Russia, the Lord says (these are the words of the Lord or the angels): “Russia and China are rising too fast.”  So He must strike them down to keep them at bay for their time has not come yet.  From now 2016 until the year 2022 and 2027, it is more the rise of the power of USA and Europe. 

Many people are asking and there are some books, I am also aware of what’s happening in the secular world.  We are not ostriches that hide our heads in the ground and don’t know what’s going on.  I am aware of the many books written by different authors and economists that predict the great, big disaster / recession that is going to come.  They are right but wrong in their “time”.  It will not happen in 2016, it will not happen in 2017, it will not happen in 2018, it will not happen in 2019, it will not happen in 2020 − these are still the prosperity years. 

So God allows, even though they are weak, USA to be strong with the coming of the next year’s President.  This year is their running year, before they elect the President for 2017.  All the prophecies are still true.  With the rise of USA, there will be the rise of Europe.  But because Russia and China want to rise up, you will see in this year 2016, a cutting down of Russia and China.  Things will keep happening until people say, “What in the world is happening?”  Because it is not time for them to arise and the archangels are pushing them down; not humans, not just economic forces.  There are archangels that say: “Stay, stay, you cannot rise yet!”  And Russia and China will create and allow different things so that they keep on trying to rise, but cannot rise.

So this year you will see, because they are too strong, Russia and China being dealt with in many ways and the opposite happens − USA becoming stronger, much to everybody’s surprise because we all know their currency is just printed money, and Europe also rising.  So these are the nations that will control the world or influence the world to some extent.  So that’s the second part of the prophecy.  And the second part of the prophecy is based on observing, seeing the work of angels, and sometimes God allows you to hear what the angels are saying and also what the angels are doing.

I know one thing: Archangels have been assigned into Russia and into China to push them back.  How it was going to work out in the natural, you will read in the news in this year.  Also, archangels and angels of God have been sent into USA and into Europe to push them up, to make them rise up, and then you will see the side effects in all the natural world.  That’s the second major thing that is going to take place this year.

Third major thing, and the other things I will touch on in the second service.  I will preach a short one, then we will have questions and answers.

The third thing, we look at Joel 2, it starts with and we all know this prophecy.  This prophecy has been quoted in Acts 2.  In the outpouring of the Spirit, they quoted Joel.  Now, if you read Joel 2, you wouldn’t see any place where it talks about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2.  You have to infer it to be able to see where it takes place.  In fact, the book of Acts only started quoting from Joel 2:28 (which we all know very well): “And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions.  And also on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days.  And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke.  The sun shall be turned into darkness, And the moon into blood, Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD.  And it shall come to pass That whoever calls on the name of the LORD Shall be saved.  For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance, As the LORD has said, Among the remnant whom the LORD calls.”      

I want you to notice this: We have been teaching on New Jerusalem.  Every time you see Mount Zion is a duo thing.  Mount Zion refers to the City of David, Mount Zion in the book of Hebrews refers to New Jerusalem.  This prophecy also tells us the rise of the glory of New Jerusalem.  And even though it was partially fulfilled in Acts 2, I want you to know Acts 2 is only fulfilled up to Joel 2:29.  Where are the wonders in the heavens and in the earth?  Not fully, correct? 

This year has already begun.  Just last week, some people saw a phenomenon in Canberra − a big ball of light appeared.  Scientists classified it as ball lightning.  If you do a research on ball lightning in the internet, Wikipedia and everything, you find that some of them are unexplained, very hard to explain, nor do they know what causes it.  What causes a plasma ionization?  What they saw is a natural side effect.  What I saw was the archangel Raguerael commanding all his angels (millions of them) to do a work in all of Australia, to change the weather pattern because of what we did on Snowy Mountains. 

There will be unusual signs and wonders that the scientists will explain with something.  But there will be signs on the earth and signs in the heavens above.  Between now (this year 2016) to the Rapture, and you thought the world weather is changing − not just world weather, the whole atmosphere of our solar system seems to be different.  Because last year it is already done − all the 30 archangels have realigned the boundary between the pristine universe and the warfare universe and have pushed them all to our solar system on the planet earth.  The side effect of that done in the spirit last year (in 2015) will start this year (in 2016) with strange phenomena in the sky above us.  And you think that we have normal meteorites coming and going.  Do you know what it’s like in the Tribulation?  The things that happen destroy one-third of the sea, one-third of the trees, one-third of rivers, one-third of plants and all those things and life.  The earth is, like exposed suddenly, like to a meteorite belt that keeps pounding the earth.  That’s the worst case scenario in the Tribulation.

What I’m saying here is between now (2016) to the worst case scenario where big, giant things that keep falling on the earth in the Tribulation, it is a graph that goes upwards.  So you begin to see more and more strange signs and phenomena on the earth below and the sky above because the whole creation is groaning with the impact and the pressure that have been put on by the archangels in redrawing the boundaries.

But here’s the good news in point 3: There is a new outpouring this year.  And when it says blow the trumpet in Zion, it is the news of New Jerusalem − the New Jerusalem Glory.  Why was I teaching about the New Jerusalem Glory for the past five sessions and then I’m continuing this coming Sunday to conclude it?  Because it is to prepare us for the New Jerusalem Glory outpouring this year.  It will have side effects − like Moses’ face shining; like transportation; where in the meeting, suddenly you might see and people might see visible light and glory upon your lives − because of the interface of New Jerusalem Glory this year. 

And this year, to those who are hungry and seek God in fasting and prayer…  You see, this is the year to humble ourselves.  In a transition year, what do you see happen?  This year is the transition year.  You know how important it is for the transition year?  I always tell people (even in your personal life): In the transition year, fasting and prayer is very important because you don’t want to miss anything that the Lord tells you.  This is the Year of Transition.  In this transition year, we must fast and pray a lot.  Spend time a lot with God.  Because many, many outpourings are taking place, liken to Acts 2.  Outpourings − this year is the outpouring.  This year has been assigned Acts 2 all over again.  And you say, “What must I do?”  Do what they did in Acts 1 and the beginning part of Acts 2.  Do what they did and gather in prayers as often as you can.  And when the outpourings come, it comes.  When the time comes, it comes.  But this year you will see an outpouring − that’s the third thing that will take place.

Now, we have some more, but I will deliver that and finish off this sermon in the second service, part of it, and then open for questions and answers.

Let’s go to God in prayer:

Father, we thank You for Your grace and Your mercy that You establish upon each one of our lives.  We look forward to this year, the Year of Transition.  No doubt, Lord, we will bear the impact of the judgment that is falling, where (like our Lord Jesus says) the wolves and all the dogs are being slaughtered, that, Father, we as Your people humble ourselves before You.  We want to flow with all the fullness of Your kingdom, for this year You are pouring out Your Spirit.  And those who are hungry and desirous after You will be brought into a high dimension that they never had before. 

Let Your will always be done on the earth as it is in heaven.  Let Your kingdom come. 

We commit ourselves to You afresh, Father.  When we begin to see the signs and wonders fulfilled this year, it’s going to rock the core of every being.  When we begin, Father God, to see the prophecies being fulfilled this year, we will be shaken to the core because we know God is real and He is visiting the people, calling out unto Himself a bride worthy of Him.

Father, we have heard so many times that Jesus is coming and Jesus is coming.  Indeed, You have allowed the Antichrist to be born last year, the false prophet in 2004, and You have already established the boundary between us and them.  And this year is the transition year where finally we cross into that which You have for us.  Thank You, Father, for everyone here and what it means personally in each life, the things that everyone will cross into, the things that they will transit into.  Speak into every heart and life, Father, and establish it so clear without a shadow of a doubt that we know, Father, finally the time has come.  Thank You, Father. 

Bless Your people, bless their angels and strengthen their angels.  And we all bless You, Father, for Your mercy and grace.

Thank You for forgiving us, Father, for our disobedience on 20 September 2015.  Thank You for Your mercy shown.  Thank You for the lessons that we have to learn to wait upon You.  Thank You, Father. 

And this year, Father, as we begin this year, we begin it with fasting and prayer as always but also with a readiness to spend more time waiting on You, so that when this outpouring that is assigned for 2016 takes place, may not a single one of Your people miss it and it won’t just be in one place like in Acts 2.  It will be in many places simultaneously as Your Spirit pours out in volumes that have never been seen before.  Thank You, Father.  Let Your glory and grace, we pray, and all honour go to You.  In Jesus’ name.  And everyone says: Amen.


(Transcribed from sermon delivered on 10 January 2016 afternoon)

I want to point to some of the events that are coming forth.  Let’s look at the book of Genesis, in the life of Joseph, we all know about the famous seven years’ famine and the seven years’ prosperity, before that was prosperity, then famine.  In Genesis 41, Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s dream, in verse 25.  And these things are pre-determined.  We are still in the seven years’ prosperity and the years of prosperity will proceed all the way to 2020.  It might not be exactly day and night, but you will see the transition into the recession years from 2020 to 2027, then begin the war years which are from 2027 to 2034.

In Genesis 41:25-30 (it says here as he interpreted in verse 25) − “Then Joseph said to Pharaoh, ‘The dreams of Pharaoh are one; God has shown Pharaoh what He is about to do: The seven good cows are seven years, and the seven good heads are seven years; the dreams are one.  And the seven thin and ugly cows which came up after them are seven years, and the seven empty heads blighted by the east wind are seven years of famine.  This is the thing which I have spoken to Pharaoh.  God has shown Pharaoh what He is about to do.  Indeed seven years of great plenty will come throughout all the land of Egypt; but after them seven years of famine will arise, and all the plenty will be forgotten in the land of Egypt; and the famine will deplete the land.” 

Now jump over very quickly to the time when the famine actually took place after the seven years of prosperity that seemed to be very fast over, in verse 46: “Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt…”   Verses 47-48: “Now in the seven plentiful years the ground brought forth abundantly.  So he gathered up all the food of the seven years…”  There was so much (in verse 49) that he stopped counting because it was immeasurable.  Verses 53-54: “Then the seven years of plenty which were in the land of Egypt ended, and the seven years of famine began to come…”  You see, it was not a day and night kind of thing.  It slowly moved into the other years of famine.  It began to come.  The famine was in all lands, no country was excepted, but in all the land of Egypt, there was bread.

And I have used Bible verses to support some of the prophecies that are coming.

This year 2016 is the Year of Transition.  We are already two years into the years of prosperity.  We’ve got another five more years to 2020.  The fourth point: In this year, you will be enabled to identify the places of refuge.  How will you identify the places of refuge or where to go?  Because there are many, many pockets and there are general countries.  We are given some general countries, like the eastern side of Canada, Brazil, Argentina and all those places.  How will you identify the places of refuge?  You don’t wait until the famine.  It’s a bit too late.  But you can identify those places because they are distinct, that in those places God is prospering the agriculture and the weather is blessing those places. 

We talk about coming famine.  Famine is caused by world weather, beyond human control.  As you all know, places like Machu Picchu and some of these places where they were great civilisations and then suddenly the weather changed, same like some areas of Europe in the northern side, Iceland, all those Vikings and all that, in some of them, the weather changed and it almost destroyed an entire community.  Also, this weather, we have to move and flow with it.  There are some things that are happening on the earth where, like I say, there will be great droughts that happen in North America and the water is being drained out.  The angels are actually at work, changing the scenario.  This is the word that the angels used: Realignment.  So they are realigning all things.  You can identify the places that are places of refuge in this Year of Transition, thus be able to start investing.  You know how you identify?  From this verse.

How did Egypt become the place of refuge and food?  Not just in the time of famine.  In time of famine, it’s obvious, everybody can see it − you are the only place with food.  In the years before the famine, they had extras.  The extras started seven years earlier.  And in the same way (this year is the Year of Transition), the countries, cities and places or pockets of refuge − you will begin to see the weather bringing lots of good rain, lots of ability to build the agricultural industry.  In other words, God is prospering them agriculturally even in the years of prosperity, far beyond normal.

Okay, here’s the question: During the years of prosperity, other places are also having enough food, correct?  What was different about Egypt?  They had a lot, a lot more than normal.  They had more than they could eat, whereas all the other countries had just enough to eat.  And then when the famine came, they had nothing to eat, only Egypt had.  So when did they prepare for the years of famine?  In the time of prosperity, which is why point 4, for those of you, because the coming famine and recession that are going to take place are going to affect everyone, food especially will become scarce.  All come together. 

By the time the tsunami hits (and earthquakes that affect the whole world hit) in 2029, it’s too late.  But way before that, people are moving.  The great exodus that will take place starts roughly about the year 2022 and we will be greatly involved in that.  So from 2022, even right now, this year 2016, you can identify them.  That is the ability that God gives.  Watch the agriculture, watch the weather, watch the extraordinary blessings on the land. 

While every other country keeps getting…  Like in North America, they are getting more and more drought, less water resources, they begin to dig deeper and deeper, pumping water from the underground table.  These places continue to have good rain and plenty of water.  We have been talking about that 2-3 years ago.  And recently in Australia, this year for the first time a place called Lake Eyre started to fill up.  It was totally dry and that was just last year (2015), and over the last week or so of rain, last 2-3 weeks of rain, started for the first time to fill up. 

But by this year, it will be obvious where the cities or the places or countries of refuge are.  And God is making the difference − a line is being drawn in transition, so that people will know to go from where to where, places that will be in deep famine into the places of refuge.  That’s the fourth thing that will take place.

Fifth thing that will take place: Let’s look at Amos 1 and it’s linked to Isaiah again.  But let’s look at Amos 1, something happened.  Remember, I talked about Isaiah 6:1, in the year that King Uzziah died that Isaiah rose up and he had visions of the Lord.  And I also talked about the outpouring of the Spirit in Joel 2 that is going to happen this year.    

This year will be significant.  There will definitely be outpourings on people who are hungry for God.  It’s almost like, like many people can trace the Pentecostal Revival to the year 1906, correct?  And then from there, a lot of outpourings came all over.  We have in our church history records of a particular year which is significant (1906), or the year of the First Great Awakening under John Wesley, Charles Wesley and George Whitefield; the Second Great Awakening under Charles G Finney and Father Nash, and all these people.  We have dates.  History will look back at the year 2016 and realise that an outpouring has begun.  What was happening in the past 2-3 years?  All those are preparation years, preparing our lives.  Outpouring is something that begins to take an effect on the community at large.  It is happening this year.  That’s why Jesus talks about the amplification of the voice that cries at midnight. 

Amos 1, you probably found it by now.  Something happened that most people don’t realise when they read the Bible.  Amos 1:1 − “The words of Amos, who was among the sheepbreeders of Tekoa, which he saw concerning Israel in the days of Uzziah king of Judah (interesting, everything points to the days of Uzziah), and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash, king of Israel, two years before the earthquake.” 

Note the fact.  Two years before the earthquake, Amos, a shepherd man who became a prophet, began to prophesy about judgment on the nations.  With the judgment coming on the nations and the shaking that was coming, there was a side effect in the nature of an earthquake.  So the earthquake was so important that when the Bible scholars recorded the prophecy, they even pointed to, oh, this happened two years before the earthquake.  It looks like a very major time event.

Now, turn to Zechariah 14 and you’ll hear these words about the earthquake in the days of Uzziah.  In Zechariah 14, notice it prophesies about Jesus’ second coming when He lands on the Mount of Olives and the Mount of Olives split in two, in verse 4?  But then you notice something else in verse 5.  What triggered the prophecy?  Verse 5: “Then you shall flee through My mountain valley, For the mountain valley shall reach to Azal.  Yes, you shall flee As you fled (as you fled) from the earthquake In the days of Uzziah king of Judah.”  You see, a lot of people know about the earthquake, except us because we are so far from them.  But the Bible people were conscious of the great, major earthquake in the days of Uzziah and that was the timeline everyone looked forward to or marked things by, when things would happen.

These are coming and this year is a year of great shakings and earthquakes.  The earthquakes are caused by two major factors.  This will still be the fifth point.  This is a sub-point: two major factors.  5(a) is natural factors of the earth that has been groaning; since Romans 8, the earth is groaning.  Let’s look at Romans 8 very quickly and I’ve got to give all these points out, so at least I can say that we’ve covered this ground. 

In Romans 8, it says something about the manifestation of the sons of God.  Because this year, the manifestation of the sons of God will become more visible.  Wouldn’t it become more visible when in this year the transfiguration happens, and in this year when new arms and legs grow, and in this year miracles happen (when a person with a heart pacer and his heart pacer disappears or a person with the confirmed blind eye suddenly receives healing)?  Wouldn’t it be significant?  It begins to be like a light bulb that suddenly shines.  This is the year, but together with what I call the rise of the manifestation of the sons of God which is taking place this year in this outpouring. 

Romans 8:19 − “For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.”  Or the manifestation of the sons of God.  This year, the sons of God grow up.  This is the year when the Lord says this is good.  It was supposed to be last year, but our [COG’s] growth was delayed slightly.  So this is the year that the manifestation of the sons of God begins.  Notice, it talks about creation in verses 20-22 − “For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.  For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs…”  So there’s a reaction.  Everything that you see that is visible is affected by the things that are invisible, even on the planetary scale − earthquakes.

Then you all remember, I’m not going to turn to those verses, most of you know very well.  1 Kings 19 − remember that Elijah was called to Mount Horeb, then there was a fire, there was a wind, the wind was so strong that the rocks broke apart, there was an earthquake, correct?  1 Kings 19 − what caused the earthquake?  The presence of God has a side effect. 

When this outpouring happens this year and the presence of God increases, the earth will shake, not just natural shaking, it has a side effect.  I’ll prove it to you from the Bible, that in the Bible, spiritual presence of God can shake even the earth.  Remember, signs on the earth below, signs in the sky above. 

Then we also have when Jesus Christ was risen from the dead or at the time when Jesus was on the cross.  In Matthew 27:54, it says “So when the centurion and those with him, who were guarding Jesus, saw the earthquake…” − Jesus on the cross, what caused the earthquake?  It was not a natural earthquake, it was a spiritual transaction taking place − Jesus dying on the cross for our sin − tremendous cosmic, universal forces were at work, side effect sure to affect the earth.  The earth is just a tiny little dot affected by the cosmic event of universal salvation on our Lord Jesus Christ.  Then of course when Jesus rose from the dead, Matthew 28:2 − “And behold, there was a great earthquake (again); for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven…”  I tell you, the day Jesus died on the cross, those three days, there were a lot of shakings and earthquakes, spiritually caused.

You all remember of course Acts 16 − Paul and Silas were in prison, singing, and then there was an earthquake. 

So there are earthquakes.  And this year because of what is released on the earth finally, what is released and received, remember the Lord says about great shakings in the prophecy I read this morning, there’s going to be a literal shaking.  Every place.  And we will look, now is January, we will count the earthquakes from January to December.  But as the presence of God increases, it will be extraordinary.  Of course, our prayers are that the earthquakes won’t be in populated centres that innocent people die.  But what we want you to know is that in this year, (point 5) the very earth beneath us will shake.  Of course, scientists wouldn’t put two and two together and say, you know, how can that earthquake be related to this event.  Because this is a spiritual event.  For them, they need a natural explanation.  But scientists will observe, towards the end of this year, as they analyse and look back at this year, that in this year there are a lot of natural phenomena and shakings taking place and they will wonder why.  Because of the outpourings of the Spirit and the manifestation of the sons of God that are taking place.  Events, revelations of God and His angels and glory − there’s a side effect causing earthquakes. 

Sixth event, there are only seven.  I’m moving very fast without going into too much details.

We look over in the book of Joshua.  Again, Joshua was in the transition.  You notice this was a transition event?  They went forth and they conquered part of the land of Canaan and their conquest started, but something happened as they began to conquer the land of Canaan and the people that were conquered.  First, there was Jericho.  After Jericho, of course they went on, they lost some battles in Ai, and then they got themselves right with God because of the sin of Achan.  When it was all dealt with, they continued to have the victory.  But as they renewed the covenant after the victory of Ai, they made some mistakes in the treaty with the Gibeonites, and then they began to fight against all the kings that were before them.  But what happened as they began to be victorious in their fight against all these people that were before them?  You notice that as the people knew about them, it says in Joshua 10:1-3 − “Now it came to pass when Adoni-Zedek king of Jerusalem heard how Joshua had taken Ai and had utterly destroyed it ─ as he had done to Jericho and its king, so he had done to Ai and its king ─ and how the inhabitants of Gibeon had made peace with Israel and were among them, that they feared greatly, because Gibeon was a great city, like one of the royal cities, and because it was greater than Ai, and all its men were mighty.  Therefore Adoni-Zedek king of Jerusalem sent to Hoham king of Hebron, Piram king of Jarmuth, Japhia king of Lachish, and Debir king of Eglon…” − they formed a pact to go against Joshua.

We have talked about what’s happening in USA, and what will happen to Canada.  Then we talked about what will happen to China and Russia this morning.  Let’s talk about the Middle East.  The Middle East is going to be gathered together in two different groups in preparation for what is to happen in the war years.  The war years take place from 2027 to 2034.  But between 2027 when the war years start to 2029 just before the great tsunami and earthquake that hit the whole planet literally and Singapore is gone − when we say that, some people don’t believe, you know.  Well, you wait and see.  You can go to the back and ask your questions later.  That’s 2029.

Now, between 2027 and 2029, two nuclear missiles are launched.  One is launched by, it started with Iran, Iran launches one against Saudi Arabia and there is an immediate response back to Tehran.  Only two are launched.  At that time when we spoke about this happening, it’s not a nuclear warfare, just two missiles.  But when those things take place…  We spoke about this, you can trace our records and audios and also online, we spoke about this 2 / 3 years ago, before Iran ever got into this nuclear thing.  They will have nuclear power.  And the question you ask is: Why do these two countries fight against each other?  Because they are in two different camps − Sunnis v Shiites.  Now, the Antichrist will be the one person who will actually unite them.  Because they are going to marvel: “Wah, that guy is a clever talker.”  That’s him.  And that’s why the world will think he is a man of peace, but he is a false fallen angel with the pretence of god.  He will be a man of peace at first.  That is far up the road.

But what’s happening is now 2016 we are interested in.  We say no, that’s far up the road.  Now what’s going to happen in the Middle East?  Because this is the Year of Transition and you’ve already seen signs of it, the Middle East will be divided into two blocks, like these groups, and they will encamp and it will be very clear where these countries will be.  But people are wondering: “Where are the leaders?”  There will only be two leaders.  These are all predictions that were given.  There will only be two leaders − Saudi Arabia and Iran.  Watch them over these next years.  Because this year is the Year of Transition, they will rise up as obvious leaders.  And all countries of the Middle East, except Israel, will have to come into either camp.  There will be no neutral camp − they are either this camp or that camp.  Because this is the Year of Transition, the plumb line is being drawn.  Transition year where the line is drawn − you are either here or there.

Turkey will try to rise as a nation to be a leader but their time is not ripe yet − like China and Russia who will be mowed down by the archangels (when I talked about Daniel) because the archangels are pushing them, keeping them down − so the same will happen.  But there will be something like an earthquake on the western side that will shake them up, things will happen that will prevent them from rising forth, so that the only two powers allowed between now and 2027 are these two [Saudi Arabia and Iran] because the time of Turkey belongs to after the tsunami, just like China and Russia.

So prophecy, we have covered USA, this and Middle East.  Last part, in point 7, what we want to look at is Acts 12.  This is the final part and then you can ask your questions. 

In Acts 12, we see Herod, in verses 21-24: “So on a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat on his throne and gave an oration to them.  (As he gave this oration to them) And the people kept shouting, ‘The voice of a god and not of a man!’  Then immediately an angel of the Lord (May I remind you, this is New Testament.  You are reading the New Testament in the time when the Gospel has already been preached.  But God still does these things in the New Testament.  This is not Old Testament.  Immediately an angel of the Lord) struck him, because he did not give glory to God.  And he was eaten by worms and died.  But the word of God grew and multiplied.”  Why was Herod targetted?

Because this is the seventh point, the part concerning what the Lord says, besides the great shakings that I’ve covered in the fifth point and the two camps in the sixth point.  This seventh point is what I call… 

In visions, we see Archangel Uriel going forth with all his other archangels slaughtering all the wolves and the dogs.  Who are the wolves and the dogs?  In Acts 20, Paul, as he said his goodbye to the Church of Ephesus, all the elders gathered there (in a place called Miletus) and as he said his goodbyes to them, he said these words: “When I am gone, ravenous wolves will come in and these wolves are just wanting to eat up the sheep and destroy them.”  In other words, those who are attacking the sheep.  Remember the other vision we have?  When the dogs are allowed to fester and grow, they will turn into wolves.  When the wolves gather in great number, the snakes will come.  Snakes represent fallen angels.  Wolves represent demonic powers.  Dogs represent religious people.  In Philippians 3:2, Paul called religious people (the Judaizers) − “Beware of dogs…”  Then Paul called wolves − false prophets are called wolves and they will come in under pretense to be god. 

In fact, you know, the false prophet that will work along with the Antichrist (the Antichrist was born last year, the false prophet was born in 2004) − the false prophet will actually be a minister of the church.  I’m not going to say minister of God.  No, that’s our term.  He will be a Christian minister.  He is actually coming in the guise of a Christian minister.  So people will think, “Wah, this is a great prophet of God.”  And he’s got certain signs and wonders also.  He will rise as a false prophet within the church.  You think that he will be a false prophet, you know, with some other religions?  No, he chooses Christianity.  So he might even be attending Pastors’ Conference or prophetic conference.  Who knows, he might conduct some seminars there.  These are the wolves.  They are actually false.  They are wolves.  And demonic activities, of course with the false prophet, even fallen angels.  But then when the snakes come, the fallen angels have entrenched themselves inside.

What will happen this year?  As we pray and in this outpouring of iridescent glory, every single dog and wolf will be killed. 

Again, may I remind you of this morning’s service: Not everyone who dies is a wolf or a dog.  You say, “Wah, that man of God died.  Pastor said, this year, wolves and dogs all got slaughtered.  He must have been a wolf.”  Ah, I didn’t say that.  Remember I said for some people it‘s time to go home.  But the Lord is doing this for us this year in preparation for the revival − as we go forth and we allow the transfiguration to take place, and as we go forth to certain places. 

Once we start the church in Washington DC in February 2016, some time after that, and as we go to do some of the things, Aruel and I will go to about five places to build altars (only both him and I), and after we have done that, you will hear of earthquakes happening.  Those are different types of earthquakes.  Those are earthquakes caused from the spiritual realm because of what we release.  You say, “Wah, earthquake there, you know, did Pastor go there?”  No, it doesn’t mean that every place we land, earthquake, so terrible, so destructive.  You know, if I go to a supermarket, earthquake, and the supermarket market split into two.  No, we don’t want that.  I’m talking about, you know, we are praying that no humans and innocent lives will be lost.  But so that the earth is responding.  It wants to groan and respond to the manifestation of the sons of God.  So that’s why I covered that as an event.

So in point 7, all the wolves and dogs will be slaughtered on our behalf.  There will be such a great slaughter that literally from the spiritual realm or natural realm, it will be like a pile of carcasses.  You say, “Wow, so many deaths!” − so many at one time and you will know that it’s not by accident.  If one random person dies here, one random person dies there, you can say, oh, coincidence.  But when a group of them die, you know there’s no coincidence, because the angels actually sweep right through.  Just like the Ten Plagues of Moses, all the first-born died, including the animals − that was no coincidence.  When in the time of Job, in one day he lost everything, including his children, that was no coincidence.  You know there’s something suspicious going on here.  And you are going to see the same thing, that in one shot, over this year, things that you cannot explain by concidence, happen and I pray that the body of Christ wakes up and hears this word, that the shaking has begun and it’s only going to get worse for one reason: God is dividing the foolish virgins from the wise virgins and you have to choose which side you are on. 

I did not say and I will never say that we are the only true church.  That is pride.  That is wrong and that is an error.  There are many good people in every church.  There are, I believe, many good ministers of God out there.  They might not have the voices.  Remember, this year is the year God gives them a voice.  This is the year God will remove those who stop their voices and God will give them a voice.  And this is the Year of Transition.  God will remove every hindrance and allow the five wise virgins to rise because they have the oil.  And that oil that they have is being supplied this year.

What’s the difference between the five foolish and the five wise virgins?  The oil.  Why did the five foolish go out?  No oil.  The oil represents the Holy Spirit.  And is this year that the oil is being poured out.  And that will differentiate the wise virgins from the foolish virgins.  Collect your oil on your way out.  [Laughter]  Pastor Eddy is supplying.  No, in every place where you are hungry for God, the outpouring is coming upon you, so that you don’t have to keep singing: Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning, burning, burning.  No, that oil is not to burn.  That oil is the spare.  You are already burning well.

So these are the seven things that we want to touch on.  I will write more in detail on some of these about the slaughter of the wolves and dogs, and those things that take place.  But that’s basically it.  Now, we are open for questions and a

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